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Thursday 29 January 2015

Number One Bodybuilding Movement

The squat is the number one bodybuilding movement because it involves a large part of the muscular system. To perform it, place a barbell on a squat rack. Duck under the bar and position it across your shoulders on the trapezius, slighly above the posterior part of the deltoids. Grasp the bar using a grip width appropriate to your body type and pull your elbows to the rear:

 Inhale deeply (to maintain intrathoracic pressure and prevent your-

self from bending forward) and slightly arch your back by rotating your pelvis forward .

- Look straight ahead and lift the bar off the rack
- Move back a step or two from the rack and set your feet shoulder width apart, keeping your toes pointed forward or slightly angled outward
- Once your thighs are parallel to the floor, extend your legs and straighten your torso to return to the starting (upright) position

- Slowly bend your knees and squat down, your back slightly bent forward

- To avoid injury, keep your back straight (the axis of flexion runs through the hip- thigh joint)
- Exhale as you complete the movement