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Wednesday 11 February 2015

Month Long Shredding Guide

This chart isn't for the faint hearted!


  • Minutes 1-4 (Warm-Up)
    Jog at about 50% effort
  • Minute 5 (Workout Interval 1)
    Sprint 30 seconds at maximum effort Jog/Walk 30 seconds
  • Minute 6 (Workout Interval 2)
    Sprint 30 seconds at maximum effort
    Jog/Walk 30 seconds
  • Minute 7 (Workout Interval 3)
    Sprint 30 seconds at maximum effort
    Jog/Walk 30 seconds
  • Minute 8 (Workout Interval 4)
    Sprint 30 seconds at maximum effort
    Jog/Walk 30 seconds
  • Minutes 9-12 (Cool-Down)
    Jog at about 50% effort

    Repeat x2

    It is your choice to either rest or run/swim on your Cardio Days.

    Have fun!