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Thursday 22 January 2015

Full Week Workout Plan - 6 Days Body Training For Muscle Mass

Building mass may not always be easy, but it’s pretty simple: Lift, Eat and Rest. On the training side, we offer the following week long program. This week of mass-gaining is full of straightforward exercises done predominantly in straight set fashion. For each exercise make sure you warm up and lift within the 4-6, 6-8 rep range, These workouts will typically involve lots of rest and heavy to moderate weight.

Monday - Chest
  1. Bench Press
  2. Flyes
  3. Incline Flyes
  4. Incline Bench Press
  5. Dips
  6. Pec Deck

Tuesday - Legs

  1. Barbell Squat
  2. Leg Press
  3. Leg Extensions
  4. Hamstring Curls 
  5. Calf Raises
Wednesday - Arms
  1. Barbell Curl
  2. Seated Curl
  3. Concentration Curl
  4. Tricep Extension
  5. Tricep Push
  6. Tricep Kickback
  7. Cable Extensions
  8. Forearm Curl
Thursday - Back
  1. Deadlift
  2. Lat-Pull Down
  3. Seated Row
  4. Barbell Row
  5. T-Bar Row
Friday- Shoulders
  1. Seated Military Press
  2. Dumbell Press
  3. Side Lateral Raises
  4. Front Raises
  5. Rear Delt Raise
  6. Shrugs
Saturday- Abs!