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Thursday 26 November 2015


“The biggest mistake being made in bodybuilding today is that people aren’t covering basic exercises,” says the Austrian Oak. And by basic, Arnold doesn’t mean easy. Many contemporary fitness centers are full of people on machines, not in squat racks, and big-box gyms often lack even a single platform. Arnold disapproves: “Today, when I go in the gymnasium, I don’t see any of the kids learning about the clean and press, or the snatch, or the upright row from the floor.”


Schwarzenegger’s insistence on the essential lifts is not due to some grandfatherly desire to live in the past. It comes from decades of continued interest and expertise in the industry, and from the hard-earned knowledge that it doesn’t take fancy machines or off-the-wall programming to become arguably the best bodybuilder in history. Get back to your bodybuilding roots and experience unbelievable growth.

Friday 8 May 2015

Bodybuilder with 0% BF Dies at 31

Andreas Münzer (October 25, 1964 – March 14, 1996) was an Austrian professional bodybuilder renowned for his extremely low body fat levels and early death.

Münzer was an admirer of fellow Austrian bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger. He attempted to imitate Schwarzenegger, eventually meeting his hero at the Arnold Classic competition in 1996. After months of stomach pain, Münzer was admitted to hospital on the morning of March 12, 1996. By 7pm, doctors had decided to operate to stop bleeding from his stomach, but his liver and kidneys failed shortly afterwards. His condition by this point was too severe for a "helvetica" , sans-serif; line-height: 22.3999996185303px; text-align: center;"> blood transfusion, and he died on the morning of March 14 at the age of 31. The autopsy gave the cause of death as dystrophic multiple organ failure. Some of the specific autopsy findings were an extremely muscular physique with an almost complete absence of subcutaneous fat, a liver that contained numerous table tennis ball-sized tumors, and cardiac hypertrophy (Münzer's heart weighed 636g; a normal man's heart usually weighs 300–350g)

Traces of about 20 different drugs were found. Schwarzenegger sent a wreath to Münzer's funeral in Styria, with the message: "A last greeting to a friend."

Thursday 23 April 2015

Hardcore Monster Biceps Workout- Best Fitness Excercises Arms Abs

Monday 30 March 2015

5 Effective Tips To Develop A Bigger Chest

When it comes to the human body, nothing says strength and power quite like a pumped, muscular chest. There are no shortcuts to huge chest muscles, but there is a right way and a wrong way to do things. Take a look at these 5 tipson how to develop a bigger chest! 

1. Push Ups - A basic push up is an effective way strengthen the chest and arm muscles, and can be easily scaled as you get stronger. Simple push ups require no equipment other than your own body weight and your arms, and they can be done anywhere there is a firm surface with enough space for you to stretch out flat in.

2. Incline Bench Press - Pressing on an incline shifts the emphasis to the upper pecs, giving you that fuller look. And using dumbbells allows you to manoeuvre your arms in a way that isolates the pecs much more precisely than is possible with a barbell. Make sure you have your form right with our detailed instructions.

3. Dips - Chest dips hit your pecs whilst also working the  your triceps and front delts. As such, they are a potent upper body mass builder. You can add weight the easier they get. 

4. Rest - Growth happens away from the gym. The purpose of the chest workout is to stimulate growth, and nothing more. Once that objective is met, give your body adequate time to rest and recover. 

5. Recovery Meal - The importance of having a good post workout meal is second to none. A recovery meal will help with: Replenishing the muscle and liver glycogen stores, offering protein to assist with muscle repair, restoring fluid and electrolytes lost in sweat, supporting the immune system to handle the damage. Make sure your recovery meal includes a mixture of protein and carbohydrates. Here are some great sources of protein.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Simeon Panda Claims Natural On Australian TV.

Simeon Panda has always claimed natural in the bodybuilding industry, claiming that his body has been built on a good diet and a no tolerance attitude to training and his overall lifestyle.
What's your opinion? Is it possible to be that big without the help of PED's and are there dangers of building up false expectations?

Watch the Interview below.

Monday 23 March 2015

Build Massive Shoulders

For this routine focus on heavier weights and a rep range of 4-6 reps or 6-8 reps. This is because Heavier weightlifting generally increases power and induces myofibrillar hypertrophy drawing strength gains, and lighter weightlifting preferentially increases endurance and induces sarcoplasmic hypertrophy.

   DB Shoulder Press - 
    Adjust the incline of the bench so that the backrest is upright. Sit with your back fully supported and hold the dumbbells at shoulder height with the palms facing forward. Press the dumbbells overhead while keeping your back flat. You don't need to lock out at the top as past 3/4 of the way the deltoids lose tension.

    Side Lateral Raise - 
    Stand with a straight torso and the dumbbells by your side at arms length with the palms of the hand facing you. While maintaining the torso in a stationary position (no swinging), lift the dumbbells to your side with a slight bend on the elbow and the hands slightly tilted forward as if pouring water in a glass. Continue to go up until you arms are parallel to the floor. Exhale as you execute this movement and pause for a second at the top.

Lying Rear Delt Raise - 

Lay with your chest down on a flat bench. Position the palms of the hands in a neutral manner (palms facing your torso) as you keep the arms extended with the elbows slightly bent. Now raise the arms to the side until your elbows are at shoulder height and your arms are roughly parallel to the floor as you exhale. 

Tip:Maintain your arms perpendicular to the torso while keeping them extended throughout the movement. Also, keep the contraction at the top for a second.

Front Delt Raise - 

While maintaining the torso stationary (no swinging), lift the left dumbbell to the front with a slight bend on the elbow and the palms of the hands always facing down. Continue to go up until you arm is slightly above parallel to the floor. Exhale as you execute this portion of the movement and pause for a second at the top. Inhale after the second pause.

Shrugs - 

Hold a barbell with both hands in front of you using a pronated grip (palms facing the thighs). Tip: Your hands should be a little wider than shoulder width apart. You can use wrist wraps for this exercise for a better grip. This will be your starting position. Raise your shoulders up as far as you can go as you breathe out and hold the contraction for a second. Tip: Refrain from trying to lift the barbell by using your biceps.